Environmental Policy
FLEXPERT shall endeavour at all times to meet the guidelines of International Standard ISO 14000- Environmental Management Systems – however FLEXPERT does not intend to seek ISO 14000 Certification of its system.
- ISO-9001 certified system for designing,manufacturing and testing
- Armed an equipped with latest state of art technology

Manufacturing Process
The FLEXPERT manufacturing processes do not in themselves produce environmental hazards such as toxic emissions, chemical spills or undue noise. Soluble oils may be used as lubricants in hose forming processes however these are significantly watered down before use. All drains in the production area for these processes feed back to a central trade waste pit.

Product Finishing
Our product finishing processes do involve the use of paints and cleaning chemicals. Instructions are in place to use and store these in accordance with manufacturers – instructions and MSDS safety sheets. Any waste or wash down shall be processed through neutralizing equipment before disposal.
FLEXPERT products may be used in conjunction with the conveyance of toxic substances however the products themselves are not toxic and are manufactured from materials that are either recyclable or degradable.

Packaging Materials
The majority of the packaging materials used by FLEXPERT are environmentally natural, being timber or cardboard. Some products are packed in plastic sleeves to maintain cleanliness of the product where this is necessary for the ultimate operation of the product, however this material can be recycled.

Trade Waste
Trade waste generated by the Company shall be disposed of by authority approved contractors only. Liquid trade waste shall be directed to the Trade Waste Pit which shall be emptied at least once every six months. Dry trade waste shall be placed in Trade Waste Bins and emptied at least once a week. Scrap metals shall be placed in the Metal Recycling Bins and emptied when full and/or prior to an extended production shutdown.
FLEXPERT shall monitor the noise being produced by its operations, not only for the safety of its employees but for the benefit of its neighbors. Noisy equipment shall be sound proofed wherever possible and practical. Noise emissions shall be held below EPA recommendations :- – not exceeding 50dBA at a radius of 100 meters from the centre of the facility – not elevating the existing background noise level by more than 2dBA at any premises outside the 100 meter radius.

Resource Management
Careful use of resources such as water and electricity is beneficial both to the bottom line and the environment. Employees shall be encouraged to adopt an awareness attitude to the wasteful use of these resources. Factory lighting for example may not be necessary during the summer months unless Employees safety and eyesight are at risk. Employees shall be encouraged not to make unnecessary copies of documents, engage in unsolicited distribution of material or wastefully use other consumables.
FLEXPERT shall use recycled consumables (e.g. packaging materials, copy paper) wherever it knowingly has a choice.